PickSafe™ Finger Gate
The new PickSafe™ Finger Gate creates a fall barrier for workers picking pallets or stacking empty pallets while on an elevated work surface. This ANSI- and OSHA-compliant gate is pushed open by a pallet, and then durable springs allow it to self-close as the pallet is unloaded or clears the gate.
EdgeSafe® Pedestrian Awareness System
Reduce accidents in your plant by effectively coordinating pedestrian and forklift traffic with the EdgeSafe® Pedestrian Awareness System. It uses intense, attention-grabbing LED lights to alert the forklift driver to the presence of a pedestrian whenever someone activates the light beam sensor by walking past.
Our PS Safety Access™ product offering is a complete line of safety and fall-protection products that help to keep employees safe and increase material handling efficiency. Simply put, our safety products are built to ensure that users get to go home every night after their work is done. These industrial safety gates provide protection against the everyday workplace dangers that can injure personnel and hinder productivity. A safe worker is a better worker, and our products prove it.
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